The CHCA encourages a sense of community and works to improve the quality of life in Chestnut Hill.
Visit us at Town Hall
8434 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19118, 215-248-8810
info@chestnuthill.org, www.chestnuthill.org
From the Executive Director
Dear Neighbors and Friends of Chestnut Hill,
November is a time to give thanks and I am very thankful for all of our members, volunteers, staff, and community partners. The work we do requires lots of time and energy and without the hard work of all of our board members, community volunteers, partners, and the financial support of our members and donors, the CHCA would not be able to continue our mission of improving the quality of life and encouraging a sense of community in Chestnut Hill. On behalf of all the staff at the CHCA – we are grateful!
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and we all know what comes next – the December Holidays! Here at the CHCA we are busy planning some great events and activities. To make these are all successful we are looking for event volunteers. Please see below for a list of upcoming volunteer opportunities. It’s the season for giving, please consider giving of your time to the CHCA’s upcoming events and activities!

Anne McNiff
Executive Director
If you are interested in volunteering at any of the following CHCA events, please email info@chestnuthill.org or call 215-248-8811. Please note the event you are interested in volunteering for, your name, and your phone number. An event committee member will get back to you with the details.
~November 20th, Circle of Trees & Santa-Drive By – starting at 5pm “Elves” needed to hand out goodie bags
~December 11th, Twilight Toast to the Holidays at Norwood Fontbonne Academy – volunteers need to set up and handle various activities throughout the event. Event runs from 4-6pm
~December 18th, Chestnut Hill Community Holiday Parade. Help needed at start and at the end of the parade. Event runs from 9am – 10am.
Upcoming CHCA Events
Chestnut Hill’s kick-off to the holiday season is a perennial
favorite of local families and children
This year, Circle of Trees takes on a new format. Instead of a sleigh and reindeer, Santa will be riding through the neighborhood in his favorite firetruck. He’ll visit several neighborhood locations, beginning with Woodmere Art Museum at 5 pm, followed by Springside Chestnut Hill Academy, Norwood-Fontbonne Academy, and the Wyndmoor train station. Santa’s elves will distribute holiday treat bags to children while Santa rides by.
Families can pre-register for a parking spot at one of the four locations by clicking HERE

TWILIGHT TOAST TICKETS: CHCA Members – $30.00 per person
Non-members – $40.00 per person
If you or your organization or group is interested in marching, contact Anne at anne@chestnuthill.org or 215-248-8811.
CHCA Reusable Tote Bags!
Help the environment and the CHCA by purchasing a CHCA reusable tote bag today! Click HERE
Bags may also be purchased with cash or a check by coming to the CHCA office at 8434 Germantown Ave., 2nd Floor
Learn about the work of the Chestnut Hill Green Initiative & Help Keep Chestnut Hill Green!
Live Music
10AM – 1PM
CHCA Physical Division Information
Projects Under Review for Variances
for additional information go to: Zoning Projects Under Review – Chestnut Hill Community Association
Meeting dates and times can be found at: 2021 Upcoming Meetings – Chestnut Hill Community Association
1. 8430 Ardleigh St. – Zoned RSA 3. Variance request for the creation of one dwelling unit in an existing detached garage, for the creation of two (2) open air accessory parking spaces on the same lot as an existing detached structure.
2. 8410 Prospect Avenue – Variance request for the relocation of lot lines to subdivide one lot into two, and for the creation of an easement for the erection of a detached private residence and garage at the rear of the lot; existing structure to remain. This project was preliminary presented at the October 19, 2021 DRC meeting. It will then proceed through other committee reviews, including the Land Use Planning & Zoning Committee and the Historic District Advisory Committee.
DRC Application, Refusal, and preliminary zoning plans
additional documents will be uploaded as we receive them
The projects below are being heard for the first time at the December 14 DRC Meeting
3. 8624-26 Germantown Ave – Variance request for proposed sit-down restaurant in CMX1 zoning district
Documents and plans will be uploaded as we receive them. Review of this project may be postponed, pending update from applicant.
4. 8622 Germantown Ave – Variance request for proposed two-family household living in commercial district
REFUSAL Document
Documents and plans will be uploaded as we receive them. Review of this project may be postponed, pending update from applicant.
5. 18 Hilltop Rd – Variance request for Two dwelling units, expressly prohibited in the RSA-3 residential zoning district. Zoning – CMX-1 BW RSA-3
additional documents and plans will be uploaded as we receive them.
6. 8532 Germantown – Variance request for Multi-Family household Living, prohibited in this zoning district. Zoning CMX-1
additional documents and plans will be uploaded as we receive them.
7. 8137 Germantown – Variance request for Three dwelling units, prohibited in the RSA-3 residential zoning district; Zoning CMX-1 BW RSA-3
additional documents and plans will be uploaded as we receive them.
8. 101 Bethlehem Pike – Variance request for Two-family household living, prohibited in this district. Zoning CMX-1 abutting RSA-3
additional documents and plans will be uploaded as we receive them.
9. 105 Bethlehem Pike – Variance request for Multi-Family household Living, prohibited in this zoning district. Zoning CMX-1 abutting RSA-3
additional documents and plans will be uploaded as we receive them.
Upcoming CHCA Meetings

2021 Upcoming Meetings
Tues. Nov. 16, 2021
Development Review Committee
Via Zoom
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Executive Committee Meeting
Via Zoom
Thursday, November 18, 2021 (date change due to holiday)
CHCA Board of Directors Meeting
Via Zoom
It’s Fall and that means it’s time for the
2021 Philly Leaf Recycling Program
PHILADELPHIA – The Streets Department’s 2021 Philly Leaf Recycling Program begins on Monday, November 8 and runs through Saturday, December 18. The program is one of several services provided by the Streets Department to honor the City’s on-going commitment to recycling by helping to reduce the amount of materials that reach the waste stream.
Bagged leaf drop-off: During the six-week program, bagged leaf drop-off will be offered city-wide on the following Saturdays only at 13 locations from 9a-3p.
November 20
December 4
December 11
December 18
A designated fleet of sanitation compactors will be positioned at the 13 citywide locations to accept the bagged leaves. Crews are assigned to accept ONLY bagged leaves as part of the program. No household trash will be accepted.
Graver Lane & Seminole St.
Pennway St & Cottman Ave. (Jardel Rec Center) Northeast
Washington La & Ardleigh St. Northwest
Mechanical leaf collection will be provided as a supplement in areas known to have a heavy accumulation of leaves. The mechanical leaf collection operation will include leaf blowers, mechanical sweepers, and leaf loaders. Mechanical leaf collection crews will concentrate their efforts in designated boundaries each week, following a strategic schedule to maximize efficiency and productivity. Click HERE to enter your address into the map to see if you are in a mechanical leaf collection area.
Follow these tips for bagged leaf collection:
Bagged leaves will only be accepted in biodegradable paper bags. These bags can be processed for recycling along with the leaves. This reduces contamination in the recycling process.
Do not mix trash or other recyclable materials with bagged leaves. This contaminates leaves and makes them unfit for recycling purposes.
Use as many bags as needed, maximum 40 lbs. each.
Bags may be purchased at most hardware stores. Bags are not provided by the Streets Department.
Bagged leaves may also be taken to any of the Sanitation Convenience Centers, Monday through Saturday from 8a-6p.
Leaves set out curbside, either in bags or containers, will be collected as trash, not recycling.
Follow these tips for mechanical leaf collection:
To find out if/when your block is scheduled for mechanical collection visit phila.gov/leaf-recycling.
Check neighborhood newspaper for articles or ads
All leaves should be raked and ready for collection by 7:00 AM the day of mechanical collection. Rake leaves into the street by the curb’s edge (piling is not necessary).
If possible, move your vehicle to an off-street parking location on your scheduled collection day, so crews can remove leaves along the curb line.
Residents in mechanical areas can also drop off bagged leaves.
Mechanical collection crews will visit routes only once. Residents are urged to sweep and bag any remaining leaves and set out for collection on trash day or take to any bagged drop-off locations or Sanitation Convenience Center.
There will be no collection of leaves on City holidays. During this six-week program, leaves will be collected for composting purposes, like, fertilizing gardens and nourishing trees. For more information, residents can visit www.phila.gov/leaf-recycling or call 311.
Community Partners Events & Activities


Don’t just live in Chestnut Hill, be part of the community.
Support year round fun, interesting and entertaining ideas.
Read your local paper produced right here, under local ownership, by real journalists and expert contributors.
Take a stroll and enjoy the shade of the tree-lined streets and know you are a part of keeping this neighborhood green.
Enjoy the Passport to the Chestnut Hill Experience, a membership perk with $1,000 in discounts and free offers from Chestnut Hill area businesses and restaurants
Don’t just live in Chestnut Hill.
Experience it.
Chestnut Hill Community Association
8434 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19118
215-248-8810, info@chestnuthill.org