The Stagecrafters theater in Chestnut Hill begins its eighty-eighth season of standout plays with the production of the classic spine-tingling thriller, Angel Street, set in Victorian London. At curtain’s rise, the audience is introduced to a very frightened woman, Bella Manningham, along with the master of the house, her suave and manipulative husband, Jack. Frail-nerved Mrs. Manningham, already questioning her mental state, is certain that the gaslights on the walls get dimmer every time Jack goes out into the night; or … is it all in her head? Generations of critics have attested to the play’s power to hold audiences spellbound: “… As a creep show, [this play is] close to the top of the class.” (1948); “… Angel Street … remains a first-rate suspense drama.” (1988) – The New York Times; “… [keeps] you entertained, in suspense and amused all at once. …” (1999) –
Performances begin Sept 15 and continue to Oct 1
Thursday, Friday,Saturday @ 8, Sunday @ 2
See website for further info and tickets.
In Photo: Thomas-Robert Irvin ( Mr.Manningham) Susan Blair ( Mrs.Manningham)
Photo credit: Joe Herman