Enjoy Outdoor Theater in the Summer Garden at Morris Arboretum
On Wednesday, July 18 at 6:30pm, Morris Arboretum hosts the Commonwealth Classic Theatre as they present ‘The Complete History of America (abridged)’. Just in time for a late celebration of America’s 242nd birthday, three comic masterminds will take guests from the earliest days of discovery straight through today on a lighthearted and satirical romp through 400 plus years of United States’ history.
Watch this humorous play unfold as chirping crickets and glittering fireflies surround the Arboretum’s outdoor stage. Bring a friend and a picnic dinner, or purchase supper from the light fare menu at the Compton Café. After4pm admission is “pay what you will.” Rain location is under the café tent.
Morris Arboretum is a 92-acre horticultural display garden that features a spectacular collection of mature trees in a beautiful and colorful landscape. The official arboretum of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, effective 1988, Morris Arboretum is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is accredited by the American Association of Museums. For more information, visit:www.morrisarboretum.org.
Photo Credit: Arnold Winkler