Beef, Beer, and Beats
Our Friends Invited, Our Families Celebrated, and Our Fundraising Started
Beef, Beer, and Beats is our 3rd annual member celebration and kick starter party. We bring families together to start our journey for the coming year’s trips, service at Teens Inc, and we celebrate those who have gone before us.
At B3, we always have amazing food with brisketand chicken by Deke’s, vegan greens and sides from the Nile, beer from all over the place, and beats up our sleeve like you wouldn’t believe.
Don’t forget the Mac and Cheese Throwdown – Enter your award winning Mac and Cheese and put your money where your mouth is. Prizes for Epic Mac, Most Exotic Mac, and Thanks for Playin mac.
Just $20 all you can handle.
Located at Trades for a Difference in Mt Airy, the festivities start at 6 and go to 10
If you can’t make it and want to sponsor a dish, 100% of each sponsorship dollar will go to a scholarship for a teen. Sponsorship = $130
Let’s kick off this fundraising by celebrating.
PS If you are a family that has traveled with Teens Inc or are a friend, just consider …
- No cooking,
- Seeing good people,
- Drinking beer and eating great food,
- Helping another teen for the trip of a lifetime,
- Making a world of difference,
- And, quite frankly, we like having you around. True facts.
13th, 2019