Bible, Music and Art Camp

The Presbyterian Church of Chestnut Hill, 8855 Germantown Avenue

Monday, August 22 – Friday, August 26

10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

$20 registration fee (scholarships available)


Mark your calendar for Bible, Music, and Art Camp August 22-26, 10 am – 2 pm! The theme of God’s Creativity will come to life through art projects, murals, music (led by our own Julie Bishop!) and more. Lunch and snacks will be provided. Camp is open to children age 3 through 8th grade. Older youth and adults are encouraged to volunteer to shepherd younger children and/or to serve lunch. The sign-up sheet for volunteers is on the bulletin board outside the main church office.

Please pre-register the children in your life (your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, neighbors, and friends!) by signing up on the bulletin board outside the main church office or by emailing Evelyn Carpenter at with “BMA Camp 2016” in the subject line. Please include the full name, age, and last year’s grade in school for each child. A $20 registration fee will help to defray the cost of supplies for each child. Scholarships are available–please ask Austin Shelley, and your request will be held in confidence.

Photo Credit:  Austin Crenshaw Shelley