Start saving your old electronic devices for an Electronics Recycling Event on January 16, from 10 am to 2 pm. This year the event will be held at Norwood Academy located at 8891 Germantown Avenue in Chestnut Hill. Norwood Academy has a circular driveway, making drop-offs convenient. By bringing your old devices to be recycled, you keep these toxic items out of our landfills and prevent children and others in third world countries from being exposed to harmful chemicals, and you help raise funds for valuable community programs.
This year Weavers Way Environment Committee (WWEC) and Green in Chestnut Hill (GRinCH) are co- sponsoring the recycling event. Both Weavers Way Environment Committee and GRinCH use the event as a fundraiser. This is the twentieth year WWEC has used recycling proceeds to give grants. This year, WWEC grants benefited the following local community groups: Waterview Recreational Center, Houston School, Roxborough Development Corporation, DePaul USA, Tree Tenders, Germantown Life Enrichment Center, Springside Chestnut Hill School, Face to Face Germantown, the Waldorf School of Philadelphia, and Wissahickon Charter School. GRinCH used its proceeds to benefit its Green Warrior Student Grants program.
WWEC and GrinCH must pay a substantial fee to the recycler, eForce, because the price of recycled material is low. Both groups are hoping those bringing items to be recycled will be generous with their donations to offset the cost of the event and to provide proceeds to be used for grants benefitting the community. Anything with a plug (cell phones included) is accepted. Eforce charges an additional fee of $ 20 for television monitors. Batteries are also accepted for an additional eForce fee of $1 per pound.
Hope to see you there!