Morris Arboretum of the University of PennsylvaniaThomas the Tank Engine in the Garden RailwaySeptember Splendor
What’s happening this month at Morris Arboretum
Garden Railway EventsGarden Railway

Thomas the Tank Engine Weekend
Saturday & Sunday, September 18 & 19

Thomas the Tank Engine and all his friends take over our Garden Railway! While Thomas can always be found chugging along in his own section, this weekend he and his friends will run free on all the tracks, turning the entire Railway into the Island of Sodor!

Harvest Trains
September 6 – October 11

From refrigerated boxcars that carry bounties of fruit and other perishables, to grain cars that transport corn and wheat, come see the model harvest trains in our Garden Railway between Labor Day and October 11!


Scarecrow Design Contest Registration Now Open!

This year’s theme is Heroes. From beloved superheroes, to essential workers, to best friends, heroes come in all forms—use your imagination to recreate your favorite as a scarecrow for display at the Arboretum this fall!


Compton Café Hours 

Starting September 13, the Café will only be open on weekends from 10 AM to 2:30 PM. Stop by for something delicious to eat!

Café Hours
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Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania
100 E. Northwestern Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19118
Phone: 215.247.5777 |
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