Volunteers Needed for Annual Creek Clean Up – 9/12
Co-hosted by Friends of the Wissahickon and Wissahickon Trails
PHILADELPHIA – September 9, 2020 – Friends of the Wissahickon (FOW) and Wissahickon Trails are once again joining forces for the 50th anniversary of Wissahickon Trails’ Annual Wissahickon Creek Clean Up. On Saturday, September 12, from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m, volunteers are needed to clear trash and debris throughout the Wissahickon Watershed.
Though the pandemic forced the postponement of this long-standing event in the spring, the rescheduled Creek Clean Up is a great way to show hands-on support for the health of the 64-mile Wissahickon Watershed, which contributes to clean drinking water for a third of Philadelphians as it flows downhill to the Wissahickon Creek. Therefore, conserving the land in and keeping trash out of this vital watershed ultimately protects this critical source of clean drinking water.
Volunteers can register as individuals or sign up for a cleanup site with your whole “quaranteam.” Cleanup sites will be limited to 10 volunteers, with everyone required to wear masks and keep at least the recommended 6-foot distance from other volunteers not in your household group. You also must pre-register for a site and sign the volunteer agreement & release before you are allowed to join the event. Sign up here.
The same prerequisites apply to FOW’s Tuesday morning volunteer service days, which are also back on the schedule. Find details on FOW’s events calendar.
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Friends of the Wissahickon
40 W. Evergreen Avenue, Suite 108
Philadelphia, PA 19118-3324