264-page hardback, 7 x 5.5 inches, published by Harpy Books / gold-foil stamp cover & gold-edge
An excellent production, don’t miss it!
“These are visions, visions that flicker in and out, that get caught in structures, that sharpen as forms, as letters, as words, that loosen into light, and tumble through the sacred and idolatrous, visions of temptation and purity.”
216-page paperback with flaps, a very nice production / English edition, translation from the Finnish by Silja-Maaria Aronpuro
According to Marko, 50 Watts is the first shop in the US stocking his comics.
New printing of this shop bestseller. Linnea’s new book will also arrive any day now.
“An alien desert comes to life around the body of a dying whale. Animals, insects, and ancient peoples scramble for its remains, making their homes among its bones, struggling through a millennia-long process of decay.”
“. . . effortlessly stands with some [of] the best science fiction graphic novels of the decade.” — Philippe Leblanc, The Beat
Fantasy: Invention, Creativity, and Imagination in Visual Communications / 240-page paperback, 4.5 x 7 inches, published by Inventory Press
The first-ever English translation of Bruno Munari’s classic treatise on creativity, replete with new contextualizing annotations
“Never before translated into English, Bruno Munari’s Fantasy, originally published in Italian in 1977, invites the reader to explore their own imagination, creativity and fantasy through a journey into Munari’s mind and work.”
attractive 208-page hardback, 6.7 x 9.45 inches / published by Zupagrafika
This book sold well in the retail shop and I finally got enough copies in stock at one time to list it here.
“A photographic survey of Soviet-era playgrounds found in former members of the USSR, such as Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Through five chapters containing more than 150 photographs, the book documents the mass-produced, yet diverse play equipment installed in the communal spaces of socialist-era housing estates, such as rocket slides and earth-shaped climbers, spaceships and animal-themed ladders, cosmic roundabouts and bizarre objects that would probably raise safety concerns nowadays.”
32-page staple-bound publication, 8 x 8 inches, published by Bumpy Books (UK)
“A read aloud nonsense poem that explores the shape and sound of language through minimal graphic forms and handmade textures… Bumpy Books is a small press for children’s books set up by illustrator and writer Matthew Hodson and designer Orlando Lloyd.”
272-page hardback, 8.5 x 11 inches, illustrated throughout / published in 2025 by Walther Konig Verlag (text in English)
A beautiful book featuring hundreds of spreads from incredible picture books past & present.
132-page paperback, 7.25 x 10.125 inches, bilingual English/Japanese / first published in 1993 / Colpa Press edition
“Think of the computer as a magic box, with many graphic images hidden inside it. This book is positioned as a starter guide to calling forth these images, creating figures with basic shapes such as lines, arcs, squares, and circles. This is an everyday guide to computer illustrating, a collection of design inspiration, and a compendium of Osamu Sato’s own computer artworks and screen-based design.”
100-page hardback, 11.25 x 8.5 inches, published in 2024 by Everyedition
Everyedition specializes in farfetched book concepts executed flawlessly.
“Alberto Vieceli delivers another anthology of postcards, structured exactly as the title suggests. Starting with one musician on the first page, the picture on each subsequent page features one additional musician. Collected by Vieceli, the postcards were originally created as promotional material for each musical act.”