Summer at the Morris Arboretum includes a stroll through the 92-acre garden to enjoy the cooling power of trees, and lots of family fun.
Always a favorite, the Garden Railway is open daily through October 11th , 10am-5pm on weekdays, and 9am-5pm on weekends. Model trains zip along a quarter mile track disappearing into tunnels and rumbling over trestles. It’s a perfect miniature world of plantings surrounding the tracks. This year the buildings are famous Wonders of the World. Visitors can see the Pyramids of Egypt, the Coliseum in Rome, the Great Wall of China and more…without ever leaving Philadelphia. For more info:
New this summer at Morris Arboretum is Fairy Woods, located next to the Sculpture Garden. Fairies and gnomes have moved in at the Morris Arboretum and they need shelter. Visitors can find natural supplies at the Gnome Depot to create enchanting abodes for our new friends. Open daily.
Street artist, Reed Bmore, has brought some of his huge wire sculptures to the Arboretum and suspended them high in the treetops. A scavenger hunt guides visitors to find them all.
Garden Highlights tours are back on weekends, Saturday and Sunday at 1pm. Meet at the Visitor Center. There are also self-guided tours available on the website. https://www.morrisarboretum.or
Advance tickets are required for all visitors.