Town Hall in Winter

The CHCA encourages a sense of community and works to improve the quality of life in Chestnut Hill.

Visit us at Town Hall
8434 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19118, 215-248-8810

From the Executive Director

Dear Neighbors and Friends of Chestnut Hill,

BELONG – its a word the CHCA has used quite frequently since the beginning of 2020. It’s a word that has taken on an even greater meaning over the last few weeks. We all belong to a community, a city, a state, a country and the earth, and we are all in this together.

Please look out for each other, check on your elderly neighbors by phone or text. Support local businesses and restaurants by purchasing gift cards that can help with cash flow now and you can enjoy later. Many Chestnut Hill Businesses offer ordering via Internet and phone, in-store pick-up, and convenient delivery services which make it possible to purchase your favorite local meals and merchandise from the comfort of your own home. Make a donation to your local food bank for families that will be hit particularly hard as closings continue. These are just a few of the things we can all do.

In order to follow the directives of the CDC and the Philadelphia Department of Health, we have cancelled or postponed the following March and April Meetings:

March 17 – Development Review Committee Meeting

March 26 – Chestnut Hill Community Association Board of Directors Meeting

April 2 – Land Use, Planning, and Zoning Committee Meeting

We will determine the status of other meetings in April as time progresses.

We belong to a great community of caring and generous people and I have no doubt that we will make it though this together.



Anne McNiff

Anne McNiff

Executive Director

Links to Important Information

The Chestnut Hill Local’s local COVID-19 resource: (this page includes listing of postponements, closings, and cancellations)

Philadelphia Department of Public Health coronavirus info:

CDC info:

World Health Organization (WHO):

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:

Philadelphia Inquirer’s coronavirus section, which is free (i.e. no paywall for coronavirus news):

belong     know     experience

Don’t just live in Chestnut Hill, be part of the community.

Support concerts in the park and movies under the stars.

Read your local paper produced right here, under local ownership, by real journalists and expert contributors.

Take a stroll and enjoy the shade of the tree-lined streets and know you are a part of keeping this neighborhood green.

Enjoy the Passport to the Chestnut Hill Experience, a membership perk with $1,000 in discounts and free offers from Chestnut Hill area businesses and restaurants

Don’t just live in Chestnut Hill.

Experience it.



Upcoming Events

presented by the Chestnut Hill Community Association

2020 Great Houses Tour, Sunday May 19, 1:00 to 5:00 pm


An Architectural Tour with Designers & Contractors Onsite
Presented by Chestnut Hill Conservancy & Chestnut Hill Community Association

Buy your tickets now:    2020 GHT TICKETS

The Great Houses Tour welcomes attendees to explore SEVEN fabulous Chestnut Hill homes, representing many different architectural styles and eras of construction. All of these homes have been adapted for contemporary living while embracing the community’s history and landscape.

Presented annually by the Chestnut Hill Conservancy ( and the Chestnut Hill Community Association (, the Great Houses Tour is designed to celebrate and share the ways that traditional and contemporary design can coexist in this historic and architecturally extraordinary community. The hosts at each house include their architects, designers, and contractors to connect tour goers to a wealth of information.

Make it a day in Chestnut Hill! Many restaurants and shops offered discounts for Great House Tour attendees.

This self-guided tour takes place from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Attendees will receive a map with home locations when they check in at registration at Church of St. Martin-in-the Fields, 8000 St. Martin’s Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19118.

Follow us on social media for sneak peeks!

Thank you to our 2020 Great Houses Tour Sponsors

Great Houses Tour Presenting Sponsor


Great Houses Tour Program Sponsors





You are the U in COMMUNITY!

The Chestnut Hill Community Association’s purpose is to bring people together. The CHCA works to cultivate a true sense of community and encourage involvement in activities and programs to benefit all residents and friends of Chestnut Hill. A 501c3 non- profit membership organization, the CHCA has three major focus areas:

Service, Advocacy and Community.

We are the community’s voice to the city of Philadelphia regarding development, land use planning and zoning, and residents’ views and concerns. The CHCA provides support and information to the community on these important topics, including a monthly column in the Chestnut Hill Local, Community Matters. A copy of a recent column is enclosed.

Our success is possible due to the people like you who contribute to the CHCA and to those who also volunteer their time and expertise to this valuable community resource. Many of you have participated in CHCA sponsored activities and events designed to foster goodwill among neighbors and strengthen community ties. Throughout the year, the CHCA also collaborates with other organizations and businesses that share a commitment to social exchange and community engagement.

Our Annual Appeal drive helps support the work of our small professional staff and that of the various volunteer committees required to cultivate and preserve the strength of our community and make it a special place to live and work.

We very much appreciate your consideration. Kindly write a check made out to the CHCA and mail it in to CHCA, 8434 Germantown Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19118 or go to our website donation page. Your contribution is tax deductible.

As the Annual Appeal Co-Chairs we sincerely thank U for your contribution.

Kathi Clayton and Susan Bray
