This year’s festival is scheduled for Sunday, September 15, 2024 with a rain date of Sunday, October 6.  To learn more about the Festival, click this link.


Exhibits must conform to the size of the space allocated to the exhibitor and must not obstruct the view or interfere with other exhibits. No exhibits should be more than 9 feet in height and may only be that high in the rear, 3 feet from the booth. All demonstrations, discussions, or other activities (such as the distribution of descriptive literature of any kind) must be confined to the exhibitor’s own booth. No exhibitor shall assign, share or sub-license the whole or any part of the assigned booth space without the written approval of the Chestnut Hill Fall for the Arts Festival. Displays should not be arranged or placed in such a manner as to interfere with or be objectionable to other exhibitors. The exhibitor must-have merchandise and personnel in their booth for the entire period the  Festival is open. The Chestnut Hill Fall for the Arts Festival reserves the right to make decisions involving the mix and placement of exhibiting companies regarding booth assignments.


Upon acceptance and approval by the Chestnut Hill Festival of your signed application form, and accompanied by payment for the full amount, this application and the rules contained herein shall constitute a binding license agreement for the right to use space at the Chestnut Hill Fall for the Arts Festival. Applications for such space must be made on an official form and received by the Festival accompanied by check for the full amount.


No damage shall be done, nor shall anything be pasted on, tacked, nailed, or screwed to the canopy booth, the street, curb, sidewalks, permanent signage, trees, or other outdoor streetscape materials located along Germantown Avenue in the exhibit area.  Exhibitors violating this regulation are expressly bound, at their expense, to repair any such damage that they, their agents, or employees may cause.


The exhibitor agrees to assume all liability for and to indemnify the Chestnut Hill Fall for the Arts Festival and the CHBD from and against any and all claims, with loss of life, personal injury, and/or property damage arising from or out of the installation, set-up, operation, dismantling and/or removal of the exhibit, if caused in whole or in part by the act or omission of the exhibitor, its agents, contractors, or employees.  Exhibitor hereby releases the Chestnut Hill Fall for the Arts Festival and the CHBD of any liability whatsoever.


The Chestnut Hill Fall for the Arts Festival shall have the full power to interpret and enforce all the regulations contained herein and shall have the power to make such amendments and further regulations as shall be considered necessary for the proper conduct of the Festival.  Such decisions shall be binding upon all exhibitors.  Failure by exhibitors to comply with these or any other regulations or amendments thereto shall be sufficient cause for the Festival to require immediate removal of such exhibit and/or the offending exhibitor.

All exhibits must be operational by 11:00 AM, Sunday, September, 2024, and remain open until 5:00 pm that evening.  All exhibit booths must be staffed during operational hours. No vendor vehicles will be admitted to exhibiting areas after 10:00 AM.


It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that this Agreement is intended solely as a license agreement, permitting the use by the exhibitor of the assigned booth area for the time and purposes stated herein, and this shall not be construed as creating nor is it intended to create any other relationship between the parties.  This agreement shall be construed and interpreted according to the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


No refunds are given for cancellations within one month of the festival date.  All cancellations must be received in writing, and “no-shows” without communication will impact future acceptance. We do not do credits for future events except for a rain date. If a fire, acts of god, strikes, or other uncontrollable circumstances force the postponement or cancellation of Chestnut Hill’s Festival-in that case, the CHBA shall have no liability or obligation to make any refund. However, the CHBA shall make every effort to refund such a portion of the exhibit fees not spent or encumbered.