Morris Arboretum Classes for February
Stay connected with Morris Arboretum learn something new with online classes. Expand your learning virtually and explore new topics while staying safe and comfortable in your own home and backyard.
Register now for one or more of the Arboretum’s on-line classes at
Rain Gardens: A Cost Effective and Beautiful Way to Reduce Runoff
Bess Trout, Gardener, Tyler Arboretum
Rain gardens are an excellent way to absorb rainwater runoff and get started with ecological gardening. Join Tyler Arboretum Gardener Bess Trout to learn how to add rain gardens to your landscape where they will be most effective. In the first part of this two-part series you will see examples of rain gardens and discover how to select and prepare a site. In the second half you will learn more about choosing appropriate plant species and have an opportunity to ask all your rain garden and ecological gardening questions. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to create a garden that will bring beauty to your back yard while helping to clean up our local rivers and streams!
Meets on two Saturdays | February 20 & 27 | 1:00 pm -2:00 pm
Members: $20 includes both dates | Non-members: $30 includes both dates