Students, Parents & Friends
This is a final reminder of our big concert.
4:00, Sunday, April 23
at the Unitarian Universalists of Mount Airy
(6900 Stenton Ave., 19150 – @Gorgas Lane)
JOIN US for exciting & inspiring music: Jazz! Classical!
Performers, all Maplewood Music Studio faculty, will include:
Paul Butler, clarinet Rachel Cama, cello Larry Cohen, piano & bass
Bill Davis, flute Cynthia Fleming, oboe & piano Russell Joell, drums
Jocko MacNelly, guitar & bass David Middleton, guitar
Rich Rudin, piano Ralph Salerno, accordion
If you know you are coming and have not already told us, please RSVP (with the number in your party). If you decide on Sunday, just come. No contribution is necessary.
Food for the reception will again be generously provided by Le Bus (as it has been at every faculty concert since 2009!)
Donations to our scholarship fund (encouraged, but not required) will be gratefully accepted before or at the concert. Checks may be made out to “Debbie Syzdek Scholarship Fund” or you may make your donations by phone. Contributions are NOT tax deductible. However, 100% of the money raised will be used for children who wouldn’t otherwise be able to take music lessons.
Thank you again to all those who have already contributed so generously!
Thank you and see you soon!
– Rich Rudin