United By Blue is a Philly- based outdoor brand with a commitment to waterway conservation. For every product sold, we remove a pound of trash from oceans and waterways through company-organized cleanups. To- date, United By Blue has hosted 182 cleanups and has picked up over 1-million pounds of trash!

This summer United by Blue is partnering with over 10 REI stores in the northeastern United States for a two week long cleanup road trip! I’m reaching out to you to let you know about our kick-off cleanup in the Wissahickon:

United By Blue is teaming up with REI Conshocken and King of Prussia. Friends of the Wissahickon, and the City of Philadelphia for a cleanup of the Wissahickon Creek on Saturday, June 3rd from 10 AM – 12 PMat Devil’s Pool at the Valley Green Inn.

United by Blue and REI will provide all of the cleanup supplies. All volunteers will receive a custom United By Blue “Cleanup Crew” hat, and snacks will be provided by honeygrow KOP.

This is a great volunteer opportunity and way to celebrate the summer! As a part of the Greater Philadelphia Area’s sustainable community, we would love to have your community partners, and your peers in Chestnut Hill join us in preserving the treasured Wissahickon Creek! Would you be willing to share this opportunity with your community contacts and/or through your social media channels?

Learn more and register at UnitedbyBlue.com/Wissahickon