For the month of June, Gravers Lane Gallery will have vibrant, new window installations celebrating the annual Philadelphia Flower Show “Habitat: Nature’s Masterpiece”, June 5-13. the-flower-show
Included will be new work by GLG director, Bruce Hoffman of still life floral constructions made from reclaimed plastic bottles, found objects and paint. These allegorical vanitas reference 17th century Flemish paintings, juxtaposed against the ubiquitous, plastic floral arrangements proudly seen in the windows of South Philadelphia row homes.
Photo: Bruce Hoffman “Dis-Ambiguation” 2021
In addition, GLG will be extending the current exhibition by textile artist Lewis Knauss / RECORDING TIME / Forty Years of Interpreting Natural Environments Through Material Language and Craft. Knauss’s weavings explore a sense of place while expressing ideas of the importance of landscape. In the gallery now through June 21st. 8405 Germantown Ave. 215.247.1603