A Halloween Costume Stewardship Day is a Treat for Everyone
Join Friends of the Wissahickon on 10/26
Would you like to be part of keeping Wissahickon Valley Park “boo-tifal” and sustainable this Halloween?
In the spirit of stewardship this Halloween, all of the witches, ghosts and goblins are coming together to take care of Wissahickon Valley Park at our Harvey Street Planting Volunteer Service Day. Join Friends of the Wissahickon (FOW) for a fun day of stewardship on Saturday, October 26 from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. for planting native trees and shrubs, clearing invasive plants, removing litter, and cleaning up debris. This service day is part of FOW’s ongoing extensive Germantown Neighborhood Connector Project.
Since it’s the season for dress-up, costumes are encouraged. Following the work will be a costume contest with prizes, candy, pizza, and more.
No experience is needed; FOW provides gloves, tools, and instruction. Be sure to wear sturdy footwear and long pants, and remember to bring water.
Volunteers are encouraged to work within their own comfort level and FOW strives to accommodate needs on an individual basis. Note that this service day may include the following activities:
• Planting: bending over, crouching/squatting, carrying up to 20 lbs
• Invasive plant removal: bending over, using long handled tools
• Litter clean-up
• Repetitive motions
• Planting: bending over, crouching/squatting, carrying up to 20 lbs
• Invasive plant removal: bending over, using long handled tools
• Litter clean-up
• Repetitive motions
Register here. Detailed information and confirmation of the meeting location will be sent by email the day before the event. If you are hoping to bring a group of five or more people, please reach out to FOW first. For more information contact Marisa Miller at miller@fow.org.