October 18, 2017
Lawrence Schofer, Ph.D.
The folk music of Lithuania
Larry Schofer has been singing with amateur groups associated with New England-based Village Harmony for over 15 years. In addition to singing in New England, he has traveled with groups to Bosnia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, and most recently to Lithuania. In addition, he and his wife for several years have attended singing sessions at Klezkanada in the Quebec highlands. Larry holds a B.A. from Johns Hopkins, M.B.A. from Temple, and M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. Over the course of three professional careers, he has lived for extended periods in Poland, Germany, and Israel. He has published one book and many academic articles, and has translated several books from Polish and German into English. He is currently active as a free-lance translator of commercial and legal materials from German, French, Polish, and Hebrew into English.