Presented by members of the Chestnut Hill Community Association’s Development Review Committee, the Chestnut Hill Conservancy, and other involved organizations.

A special community meeting will take place on Monday, July 23rd, 6: 00pm, at Chestnut Hill Hospital, 8835 Germantown Avenue, to present and review the draft District Plan and gather comments for submission to the Planning Commission. The draft plan will be available online on July 17 . The public comment period starts on July 17 and ends just after Labor Day.

Members of the Chestnut Hill Community Association’s Development Review Committee, the Chestnut Hill Conservancy, and other involved organizations will be at this meeting to review the plan with community members, answer questions, and take feedback regarding the draft plan. The draft plan includes items that will affect Chestnut Hill such as zoning changes, supporting historic preservation efforts throughout the district, and planning for transit-oriented development along the Chestnut Hill East and Chestnut Hill West rail lines.

Plan Development Process
The third and final public meeting was held on June 18 at the new Lovett Library on, where 185 attendees interacted with PCPC staff to learn about the recommendations. The Philadelphia City Planning Commission will be using the feedback from the meeting to improve and refine the Draft Plan. On July 17 the City Planning Commission is expected to certify the Draft Plan at its open public meeting. They will then post the draft online and receive comments officially until September 14. On September 18, they will present the final Plan to the City Planning Commission at its open public meeting for adoption. The presentation will include a summary of changes made during the comment period. Once the Commission adopts the plan, it becomes part of Philadelphia2035, the City’s comprehensive plan.