Hello Chestnut Hill Library Friends, Patrons, and Community Members! After months of repairs and renovations to the ceilings and floors of our branch, the Chestnut Hill Library will be Re-Opening on Monday, April 24th, 2023, just in time to celebrate National Library Week!

We will be celebrating with a Grand Re-Opening Event on Wednesday, April 26th, 2023, with a full schedule of programs and performances of interest to Teens, Adults, Seniors, Children and Families. Refreshments and remarks will take place at 5pm, with a special Family Storytelling Event taking place at 6pm.

Our doors will be Open from 12-8 pm. We look forward to welcoming you back!

Program & Activity Line-Up for Wednesday, April 26th, 2023. Face Painting from 3-5 pm

  • Our Plant Cuttings Swap will be back in operation, with a volunteer to help identify plants and facilitate swaps from 3-5 pm
  • How to Act and Grow Your Beliefs with Steve Stotts for Teens 3:30-5 pm
  • Paper Flower Make & Take station w/ Brooke Conroy of Ferule Design from 5-6 pm
  • Remarks & Community Reception from 5-6 pm
  • Thembi Palmer of Storytime Adventures leading a family event featuring her new book from 6-7 pm
  • Poetic License: Putting Our Stories On The Page with Mr. Martin Wiley for Adults, Seniors, and Teens 6-7:30 pm
  • Game Day Wednesday—All Day