“There are so many great details, especially about the history of the city of Philadelphia, that help to make this work unforgettable.  To act as a wonderful counterpoint to the hard-hitting scenes and themes, the food, music and sports of the City of Brotherly Love feature prominently.”  – Windy Goodloe, BookFuel copyeditor

The Philadelphia Print Shop will present an author reading of Ben’s, by Northwest Philadelphia-based writer, Sam Levitt.

Please join us on Saturday, May 4nd from 10-11 am at

8441 Germantown Avenue, Chestnut Hill

Though a few copies of Ben’s will be available at the reading, we recommend that you order in advance from your favorite bookseller, so that you can be sure to have your copy signed by the author.

The Philadelphia Print Shop’s own publication, Prints of Philadelphia, will be offered at a discount to those who attend the event.