A longer invitation will follow, but for now – PLEASE SAVE THE DATE:
Maplewood Music Studio – Faculty Concert
Sunday, April 24 at 4:00 at Cunningham Piano Company
Donations for the concert benefit our “Debbie Syzdek Scholarship Fund” for children. Donations of any amount will be gratefully accepted. The reception after the concert will be generously & deliciously catered by Le Bus Bakery, as always! If you haven’t yet joined us and want to see what the concert may be like, ask us for a DVD from one (or more) of our 7 previous concerts ($12 each + $2 for mailing). Proceeds go to the scholarship fund.
Also, if you have any ideas for publicizing the concert, please let me know.
Thank you in advance for your support of this event and this fund.
– Rich Rudin
Rich Rudin, Director
Maplewood Music Studio