Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Stronger Together! The Chestnut Hill Community Association’s mission is to connect people, improve the quality of life in Chestnut Hill and strengthen community ties. 2020 threw us all a curve ball.
In these challenging times the funds raised by the Annual Appeal are more important to the ongoing operations of the CHCA than ever before in its history. We kindly ask for your financial support.
No one imagined we would be in the midst of a global pandemic that requires us to socially distance to protect ourselves and others from a highly contagious disease. Yet here we are – dealing with a potentially lethal virus which can infect anyone and everyone.
The CHCA is proud to have honored all area essential workers with the CHCA 2020 Annual Meritorious Award. They have done, and continue to do so much, for the community at large.
Our focus is PEOPLE through Service, Advocacy and Community. As the convening Registered Community Organization (RCO) in Chestnut Hill, the CHCA brings local organizations together to provide constituents with valued civic information and ensure that community members have a chance to learn about and give feedback on nearby developments that may affect them. The Development Review Committee, Land Use Planning and Zoning and our monthly board meetings are open to the public currently on Zoom.
The CHCA is also committed to providing information and resources to the community on topics that impact the community. We provide a wide variety of social activities, something for everyone! In the course of the average year the CHCA sponsors large community events: concerts in the park, movies under the stars, a basketball tournament, house tours including the Holiday House tour, a long-time holiday tradition for many people in Chestnut Hill, a holiday parade and a big fall gala which is the major fund raiser. Not this year. The Association held no large gatherings and none are planned in the near future. Practicing social distance and wearing masks are the societal standard.
The CHCA board, small staff and volunteers are working diligently to keep people informed, connected and entertained through virtual events and a few activities in small socially distanced groups.
During this holiday season the Community Association is sponsoring a Chestnut Hill “Deck the Door” decorating contest in the spirit of bringing people together around something light-hearted and in the spirit of the season. You can learn more about this event and others on our website and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
We understand this is a difficult time for all parts of society. There are terrific organizations working tirelessly to provide many people with basic needs. We encourage you to support them. We also ask you to be generous in your support of the Chestnut Hill Community Association’s Annual Appeal. Please donate on our website at or mail a check to 8434 Germantown Ave., Phila., PA 19118. The CHCA is a 501c3 organization. Contributions are tax deductible.
We appreciate your consideration and thank you. Stay safe and well.
Kathi Clayton, CHCA Board President