Dear Friends,
Perhaps it’s because it’s the 4th of July that I’m thinking about the FREEDOM
we at CHMOW hope to offer the neighbors we serve. One of the most difficult parts of aging and dealing with physical or cognitive challenges is the lack of freedom one feels.
…freedom to move around, to leave the house, to engage in activities you love…
…freedom to see friends, connect at family gatherings…
…freedom to enjoy your home, care for your home, stay in your home…
Little by little, or perhaps all at once, our clients are faced with the loss of some of the simple freedoms they once enjoyed.
It’s our desire — truly part of our mission — to help these neighbors
maintain some independence and the sense of freedom that brings.
The healthy meals arriving at their doorstep free our clients from the worry of hunger or poor nutrition and offer family members some peace of mind in allowing their loved ones to continue to live on their own.
Connection with kind and engaging volunteer drivers and phone buddies*
frees them from the fear that they are alone or forgotten, that their lifetime of experiences and stories and wisdom no longer has value to anyone.
We THANK YOU for sharing with us in this freedom-extending endeavor!
Happy Fourth!
CHMOW Executive Director |